Donna Valenti of Region 2 reminds us that their are only SIX weeks left to register for the Cursillo Region Two Fall Encounter to be held in Kearny, NJ (a close drive away!) on Saturday, October 22, 2022. It's going to be a great day! Bobbi Lavoie, National Secretariat Executive Committee Chair, will be joining us!

Cost of the day is $55. You can register at THIS LINK. Here is the agenda:

Agenda at the St. John Paul II Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Dr, Kearny, NJ 07032

9:00-10:00AM - Registration; breakfast
10:00AM - Welcome
10:15AM - Morning Prayer-
please bring your Pilgrim’s Guide
10:30AM - Spiritual Meditation- Becoming the Jesus We Profess- Sr Barbara Bayzik
10:50AM - Spiritual Rollo- Friendship with Christ - Deacon Joaquim Pereira
11:20AM - Breakout into Language Groups
11:30AM - Cursillo Leaders: Consciousness of Their Mission – Bobbi Lavoie/ Discussion groups

12:30pm - Multi-language Rosary – all language groups
1:00PM - Lunch
1:50PM- Breakout into language groups
2PM – The Founder’s Tripod: Christ, the Person and Friendship- Terri DiBacco, R2 English Coordinator- Discussion groups
3PM - Ultreya (Mass will follow the Ultreya)
6PM – Dinner-grab & go option/Departure

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