Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, 
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and all the souls
of the faithful departed r
est in peace. Amen.

Please remember our departed sisters and brothers
 in the Trenton Cursillo Community 
who have recently passed away
since December 1, 2023:

Jane "Jean" Andrejack - December 14, 2023
Joseph L. Vella, Sr. - December 26, 2023
Ann Marie Lieto - January 1, 2024
Catherine "Cathy" Hemler - July 6, 2024
Matthew "Matt" Oleynick - July 17, 2024

and in past years...

Dick Amiot
Mike Aponte
Rose Marie Astore
Greg Baber

Cherie Baer
Rev. William Barna
Anne Marie Barnes
Ray Barnes
Sister Gloria Barone
Matt Barron
Joyce Beisler Clark 
Warren Baloua
Ed Baumgart
Rosemary Benedict
Gene Boehler 
William J. Boehler
Marge Bonauro
Valerie Borawski

Al Bossert
Isabel Bosler
Father John V. "Jay" Bowden

Helen Bowen
Tony Bowers
Patricia Boyle-Welsh
Father Leon Buni
Gabe Buonauro
Art Burgess 
Deacon Carl Braham
Mary Ellen Brainard
Deacon "Gus" Cacioppo
John Cafarello
Lorraine Calamari
Ron Calamari 
Lynn Calantuonio
Jack Callinan
Deacon Ed Camielle

Angelo Capria
John Capizzi
Sue Carney
Deacon Keith Casey
Deacon Thomas Cater
James "Jimmy" Christenson  
Frank Cicalese 
Stella Cifrodella
Charles Cipriano

Paul Clark
Jerry Cloud
John L. Clymore, Jr. 

Vinnie Coburn
Al Conde 
Judd Conners
Roseann Conners
Fr. Paul Connor, SVD
Winston "Bud" Cooper
Mary Ellen Cortright
Deacon William L. Cortright 

Jean Craparo
Marge Criss
Willard Criss
Marianna Cronrath

Claire Cullen
Theresa "Terri" D'Andrea
Margaret "Peggy" Dannevig
Bill Davidson
Mike DeCello
Cass DeFalco
Margherita DeGregorio
Tony DeGregorio 
Jean De Vito
Rose DelTufo
Margaret Dempsey
Jacqueline "Jackie" Devine
Tom Devine

Ann Diamond
Bob Diamond
Roseann DiAiso
Frances "Fran" J. DiSeveria
Bill Dillon
John "Johnny Di" DiStefano
Rose Marie "Roe" DiStefano
Greg Dix
Father Vince Donadio
Sister Vincenzina "Vinnie" Donato
Pat Dorsey
Basil "Spud" Doyle

Jacquie Doyle
Catherine Duiker
John Duiker
Arny Dupont
Deacon Daniel Earley
Ann Eby
Deacon Dick Eby
Adeline Egbert
Sister Miriam Eidenshink
Joseph Endres
Mary Eppolite
Ray Fagen
R. Don Farley
Frank "Spat" Federici
Marie Ferri
Ed Fitzgerald
Norma Fitzgerald 
Mary Fitzpatrick
Sonia Hope Folk

Anthony Forte
Dean Fouts
Josephine “Candy” Frable 

Joseph Fraher
Nora Fraher
Carol Frascella 

Deacon David Fursman
Jean Gallasch
Jack Garrett
Kathryn "Kathy" Geiger
Ellen Gerfen
Mary Gizzi
Steve Glick
Deacon Rich Glogoza

Robert Goldie
Evangelista "Helen" Gonzalez
Joanne Gordon
Marcy Grady
Dick Grener
Feb Grener
Elva Haecherl 
Ed Hagarty, Sr.
Ed "Eddie" Hagarty, Jr.
Jeanne Hagarty
Jacqueline Hager
John Halsey
Deacon John "Jack" Haney
Audrey Harcar
Champ Harcar 
Fran Healing 
Jim Healing
Deacon William Heard
Father Tony Hemphill
Deacon Edward R. Herr
Regina "Jean" Hertling 
Robert "Bob" Hertling
Jackie Hickey
Jim Hickey
Fr. Malachy J. Higgiston

Ken Hoeft
Stella Hoffman
Gary Horan
Helen Hulick
Vera Imperato
Richard Iacobelli

Rosina "Rose" Iocabelli
Bob Irvine
Father Frank Iazzetta
Deacon Frank Jackson
Geraldine "Geri" Jackson
William Kane
Florence Kaska
Charles "Charlie" Kilian
Janet Kilian
Rita Kilian

Edith Kirkland
Rob Kohl

Deacon Jerry Kole
Frank Krasnansky
Joe Kumulac
Rose Kumulac 
Susan J. Lamia 
Bernard Landry
Harriet Landry

Bob Leone
Bobbie Leone
Fran Leone
Joseph Leone, Sr.
Ernie LePosa
Bill Liddell
Antoinette O'Brien Littlejohn
Salvatore "Sal" Longo
Dorothy "Dottie" Loniak
Henry Loniak
Vincent LoPoccolo
Gary Lorimor
Ed Lubas
Henry Lubas
Don Lynch
Sister Margaret Mahoney
Bob Mainzer 
Adela Mangual 
Sister Mary Charitas Marcotte
Beatrice McCann
Thomas McCarthy
Tom McGlynn 
Frank McGough
Deacon Gene Moir
Harold Moyer
Kathryn Moyer
Kay Margaretta
Louis Mauiro
Jack McCabe
Dan McDonnell
Joan McDonnell
James "Jim" McMahon
Msgr. James P. McManimon
Deacon James Mark Micali
Deacon Robert E. Mintz

Frank Mowad
Jean Muka
Marie Murphy (Sister Lois Klein) 
Joan Myers
Pauline Nagel
Jean Nappa 
Bill O'Brien
Delia Ocaya
Dolores O'Connor
Frank Occhiuzzo
Deacon Albert "Al" Pacitti

Lynn Padfield
Lisa Paladino
Mike Palladino

Betty Palmisano
Dyane Palisi

Deacon Al Parr
Gil Patrick

Deacon Joe Peissner
Marie Pelligrino
Deacon Chuck Perkins
Lucille Perkins
Carol Petrucelli 
Debra Petrillo 
David Pfrunder
Father John Petri
Marie Pilate
Walter Pilate

Raymond Pizzi
Roberta Poalillo
Rocco Potenza
Frances Pracon
Father Joseph Puthuppally
Anthony Quaglia
John Quilter
Father Jim Quinn
Frank Radosti
Edward Reissner 

Frances Delaney Rinaldi
Ruben Rivera
Marge Rock
Jack Rodrigues
Fran Romeo
James Ryan
Mary Kathryn Ryan
Thomas Ryan 

Leonard (Len) Sacchetti
Joe Sansoni
Jean Santiago
Jose Santiago
Father James J. Sauchelli
Millie Scarano
Robert Scarano
Jeanne Scassero
Len Scassero
Doris Scholes
Frank Schilp
Father Robert Schulze 
Sister Clara Schroeder, CSJP
Francine Severini
John Severini Sr. 
Deacon Frank Sherpensky
Bob Simons
Most Rev. John Mortimer Smith

Lucille Soltis
Judith Ann "Judy" Sost

Judith Staebler
Alice Mae Stanley   
Art Stanley

Ed Stanton
Babe Stap
Deacon Matthew J. Stap 

Don Strange
Michael Stefanchik
Michael Stefanchik III
William Stofko

John Suanno
Deacon Joseph Suarez
Sandy Suarez
John Sweet
Bea Tomain
Joe Tomain
Albert A. Tunis
Mimi Tunis
Elizabeth "Betsy" Twohy
Frank Vecchiarello
Mildred Vella 
Marie Venturine
Frances Vitolo 
Kathy Vlcej
Deacon Robert Vlcej

Caroline Wade
Bob Walsh
Roger Webster
Pat Westover
Terry Westover

Jim Woods
Andy Young
Patrick H. Young

Joyce Walsh Zarsky
Pat Zazzalli

Susanah Zelina
Dieter Zimmer


Copyright 2000 - 2024, Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton, a non-profit organization. Images, sounds, and text contained are for non-commercial use only. Each item is the property of their respective owners. No challenge to their ownership is implied in any way. This page is the sole responsibility of the Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton. Material contained within may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton. Please direct any inquiries to trentoncursillo@gmail.com

MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton