We welcome our newest cursillistas from Trenton 121 "Hearts on Fire"
Clarke Bowers/Melissa Banahan and Brick Ultreya
Buddy Goss/Dowd
John Kauppinen/Bayshore Ultreya
Walter Jennings/Dowd
Lou Lastrina/Garrett
Noel Terranova/DiStefano
Thomas Tucker/Ivanko
Copyright 2000 - 2024, Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton, a non-profit organization. Images, sounds, and text contained are for non-commercial use only. Each item is the property of their respective owners. No challenge to their ownership is implied in any way. This page is the sole responsibility of the Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton. Material contained within may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Trenton. Please direct any inquiries to trentoncursillo@gmail.com