Last Saturday about 45 Cursillistas gathered together to hear the stories of 3 figures from the New Testament, stories we have heard many times  We listened to the Gospel stories of Bartimaeus, the Rich Young Man and the Call of Matthew, then listened again as Father Robert Barron took us deeper into the story, deeper into the meaning and deeper into our own examination of our call to conversion.  Fr. Barron started by talking about metenoia which he defined as going beyond the mind/attitude you have.  Instead of living in the small soul, it is time to live in the great soul, to be linked to Jesus Christ, others and to all creation. 

In his Palm Sunday homily, Pope Francis asked three questions; "Has my life fallen asleep?", "Am I like Pontius Pilate, who, when he sees the situation is difficult, washes my hands?" and "Where is my heart?"  Reflecting on each of those questions opens us to a deeper examination of our call and how we are living our life.  
Three stories, three questions, three days as we come to the end of Lent - the Triduum.  
All call us to a closer relationship with God.  
All call us to reflect on where we have been, where we are and where we are going.  

So many things about the day gave witness to the work of the Lord and the Holy Spirit, not the least of which was the effort, time, talent, heart and soul that Deacon Tony and Rick put into the preparation and execution of the day.  The readings of the Gospel, the music, the grouping all contributed to a very enriching time together.  It was evident that they were led by the Spirit and open to whatever the Lord had in mind and wanted each person there to receive.
We give thanks for our brothers in Christ.

Wishing you a prayer filled Holy Week and Joyful, joy filled Easter Sunday and season.

DeColores and Ultreya!


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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton