To all cursillistas who may read this:

I was struck by the tripod I witnessed at the Columbus Day Parade this afternoon.  While so many are trying to tear down our statues and destroy any good which they represent not just of Columbus but so many other heroes who while they may not have been perfect men, are honored for various honorable things they did or traits they possessed.

I was amazed at how on this Columbus day I witnessed our tripod of piety study and action at this year's parade:

PIETY - The parade started with a prayer service at St. Patrick's Cathedral (something I never realized)

STUDY - Thousands of copies of the Constitution of the United States were handed out at the parade.  STUDY what it really says and does NOT say

ACTION - all of the various charitable works of amazing people both Italians and non-Italians alike who give back to this country out of love and gratitude for what they and their ancestors have received.  Maybe God meant the tripod for everyone - not just cursillistas or maybe, with the help of God, everyone can become a Cursillista!

PS: Big shout out for that amazing St. Pio float!!!


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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton