School Of Leader was a cacophony of bells and laughter for the Bible Jeopardy was in full swing!!  It was the event we have all been waiting for: "BIBLE Jeopardy" This happening left us with more questions than answers in the style of true jeopardy!

The Master of Ceremony "The Greatest Kathy Tucker" was tongued tied at times leaving premature bell ringing, only to disqualify some ring ins.  

Thanks to all the teams that participated:

+ The Holy (aka Holly) Bell Ringers
+ Mary's Girls and Boy
+ Old and New
+ Quasimodo Bell Ringers

Can the Deacon's team defeat the Priest's team?
Can the Laity boast of defeating both the Priest's and the Deacon's team?
Can cowbells serve as true substitutes for split second buzzers?

After the dust cleared and in a bitterly contested round-- No-- seemed to be the answer to all these questions and after painstakingly reviewing the video tape, the judges decided that the final jeopardy answer was, indeed, ambiguous and the Deacon's team would live to play another day!  Lord Willing. 

Please consult your program schedules for where and when this rematch is scheduled; until that time.

Congratulations to the Winners! The Final Bible Jeopardy Winner was Mary's Girls and Boy: Janet Moscuzza, Mary Ann Dowd, Father Ed, Nereida Kringdon.

DeColores! Kathy

p.s. Please prepare by studying your bible intently with hands on cowbells
p.p.s. David our judge has resigned from his job due to the fact that the community is no longer speaking to him so we are looking for a new judge.  Applications are now being accepted.

Come and enjoy "Movie Day" at SOL on August 11, 2018 
right after the 9 AM Mass.


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