My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
I with the support of the Secretariat will be cancelling all Cursillo Events for the month of March, for the health and safety of our Cursillistas. This includes School of Leaders/Secretariat meetings.
I have cancelled Tinton Falls Ultreya for this week. My suggestion is to suspend current Ultreya meetings for this month.
Self containment for the COVID19 virus is recommended. Anyone with an immuno-compromised system should not gather in numbers. The numbers of people affected by the virus is growing at a more rapid pace than earlier predictions.
Father Ed states, ask the intercession of St. Damien of Molokai for us in this time of active uncertainty.
This is not to put fear in anyone's heart but to be prudent for health concerns.
Please disseminate this information to your Ultreyas members that do not receive e-mails.
As of March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) has called the outbreak (COVID-19) a pandemic. The last time this happened was 2009 the WHO had declared the H1N1 Flu a pandemic.
Anyone with any concerns please call me directly or e-mail me.
God Bless Us All,
Your Humble Servant,
Kathy Tucker