Beloved Cursillistas,

Our God is an awesome God and our prayer warriors are awesome as well.  Thank you for all of your prayers and thanks be to God for a wonderful healing Mass last Sunday; after which the Dr. called to say that a very serious condition which was present on my first MRI had virtually disappeared from the second MRI!!!  

Please take advantage of this wonderful healing Mass which is offered every 2nd Sunday of the Month at Holy Family Church in Lakewood at 2 p.m.  There are prayers for healing as well as annointing from Fr. Andres (a Cursillista) and several relics to bless those who come for healing prayer.  This is also your Sunday Mass and many faithful Divine Mercy Prayer warriors have been faithful to do this each month for many years.  Our Lord provides for all that we need. Spread the word. 

forever DeColores!
mary ann xo


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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton