A Note From Robert Lauricella, Lay Director

Dear Cursillistas,

Wishing you a Happy Blessed New Year. Hard to believe the holidays came and went by us.

However, we are still in the Christmas season. Our Lord has come into the world shining brightly in our hearts. Christmas has always been a special time of the year for me.

We are blessed in many ways .Although we are experiencing trouble times right now. I know with the help of God, we can get through this.

At this time I am asking all ultreya to please postpone your in-person meetings at least for the month of January.

Also School of Leaders is cancelled for this month Our next SOL is scheduled for Saturday February 12th.

Due to the virus spiking we felt it necessary to postpone these events.

Our Next Diocesan Mass is scheduled for Friday March 11, 2022.

God Bless everyone please stay safe

Robert Lauricella, Lay Director 


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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton